Dunster Castle

Our Society

Founded in 1975, the CDLHS includes a friendly cross section of people from Chulmleigh and the surrounding villages who share an active interest in local history and that of the South West of England.

Our aim is to encourage enthusiasm in local history through an organised and exciting programme of events and outings, and to obtain, preserve and develop a record of the history of this area.  This we do through a comprehensive series of archives, lectures, stories, interviews, records and photographs. We have an active and enthusiastic committee, involved in organising events, producing publications, newsletters and hosting tours around Chulmleigh. New ideas are always welcome.

The Society has a winter programme of monthly meetings involving speakers on a variety of topics. These are held from September to March, currently in the Chulmleigh Pavilion on Mondays from 7.30pm.  In the summer from April to August we visit various places of historical interest, by coach or car.  In September, we also hold our AGM, together with a Social evening with entertainment.

We also host a Saturday coffee morning in Chulmleigh Town Hall, and display at Chulmleigh Fair week in July.


Subscription is £7 per member, with £3 payable at each winter lecture. Visitors are welcome to attend at £5 per person. Membership includes a periodic newsletter and an illustrated ‘transactions’ publication describing the Society’s activities in detail.

Summer visits are separately priced according to actual costs. Small extra cost for non-members.


For more details, or for a membership form, please contact either:

Our Secretary:  Holly Burls: (email)  or tel: 01769 580137  or

Our Treasurer: Sandra Armstrong 01769 407186

Membership forms require your name, address, telephone and/or email contact.